TiPEX (Current Version)
The ".zip" file contains source code and some examples. We also provide README files with details about prerequisits, and how to use the tool features.
Some documentation about how to use the tool, and pre-requisites is also available here, and here.
TiPEX: Download .
If you are looking only for features of TAG (or EMTA), see the download links below.
TAG (Current Version)
The ".zip" file contains source code and some examples. We also provide README files with details about prerequisits, and how to use the tool features (with detailing about how the provided examples can be regenerated using the tool).
Some documentation about how to use the tool, and pre-requisites is also available here.
TAG: Download .
EMTA+EME (Current Version)
The ".zip" file contains source code and some examples. We also provide README files with details about prerequisits, and how to run/use the tool (with the examples we used in the paper).
Some documentation about how to use the tool, and pre-requisites is also available here.
EMTA+EME: Download .